Back in Business

Sorry for the long silence…. I’ll right a long blog soon on what happened. But right now I’m Back, with minor motivation and a plan, of sorts. Back on GARMIN CONNECT & MY FITNESS PAL! I could do with some cheerleaders to keep me on track. So hit me up!!!

Oh the Iron-y

So things here aren’t going so well. My tests came back, and I’m not sick, but it turns out I’m not exactly healthy either. My hormone levels are all over the place, and it turns out I’m a little anaemic too which obviously will be contributing to my constant tiredness. So if I rattle when…

Wolves at the Door

With the piece of the Jedi Temple puzzle Ezra and the rest of the gang saddle up on the Loth Wolves and go to investigate why the Empire is so interested in the ancient Jedi ruins. I must admit I thought it was going to follow similar storylines that we’ve seen before, because we know…